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Flippers of penguins and dolphins are examples of?


Industrial melanism

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Natural selection

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Adaptive radiation

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Convergent evolution

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The correct option is D

Convergent evolution

The correct option is D.

Explanation for correct option:

  1. Convergent evolution is defined as the process in which unrelated organisms evolve similar body forms, colorations, and adaptations.
  2. They are not from common ancestors.
  3. For example, Flippers of penguins and dolphins have different ancestors but have similar traits, commonly known as analogous structures.
  4. Penguins belong to Class Aves and dolphins belong to Class Mammalia.
  5. As flippers in both dolphins and penguins have the similar function of flippers.
  6. Another example is both bats and whales use echoes to find food. In bats, they use echo at night to see but in whales echo is used for finding their way around.

Explanation for incorrect options:

Option A:

  1. The word “melanism” means dark-colored.
  2. Industrial melanism is defined as a change in color in organisms in response to environmental change caused by pollution.
  3. This mechanism was observed in England, in peppered moths.
  4. It has two varieties of Biston betularia (grey or brown) and Biston carbonaria (black).
  5. They used to live on trunks and were eaten by birds.
  6. Before industrial melanism, tree trunks were brown r grey in color that was covered by grey moths hence black moths were easily visualized.
  7. Moth's population rapidly decreased.
  8. After Industrial melanism, a large amount of pollution was being produced, and trees were turning black.
  9. Biston carbonaria (black color moth) became safe from being prey and were adopted and camouflaged.
  10. While Biston betularia(grey or brown) were easily hunted down because of their color.

Option B:

  1. Natural selection was described by Charles Darwin in 1859.
  2. Natural selection defines that organism with greater adaptation ability have a higher chance of survivability and produces a high number of offsprings.
  3. Darwin also wrote about it in his book ‘Origin of Species 1859.
  4. Natural Selection is a mechanism that could result in evolutionary change.
  5. For example, In the beginning, Giraffe used to have short necks and can only eat leaves from short necks as trees started growing taller Giraffe couldn't reach and eat them so they start adapting to the environment and their neck adapt to long necks

Option C:

  1. Adaptive radiation or divergent evolution is defined as an evolutionary pattern in which many species evolve from a single ancestral species within a short time and specific area, more commonly known as homologous structures.
  2. Homologous structures have similar structures, have different functions, and share common ancestors.
  3. A group of species adapts to a variety of situations like changes in environmental conditions, dispersal barriers, and lack of competitors.
  4. This was first observed by Darwin in Galpaogas Finches.
  5. When Darwin went to Galapagos he observed that Finches' beaks were adapted differently and shapes according to the food available in different geographical areas around the Island.
  6. Another common example is Marsupials have divergent different orders and species, diversified from Euaustralidelphia.

Final answer: Flippers Of Penguins And Dolphins Are Examples Of Convergent evolution.

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