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Give comparison between the following: Anatomy of leaf in C3 and C4 plants

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Part 1:Introduction
  • The plants which use C3 carbon fixation pathway and the first product of carbon dioxide fixation is a 3-carbon organic compound, 3-phosphoglycerate, are termed as C3 plants.
  • The plants in which the first product of carbon dioxide fixation is a 4-carbon organic compound, oxaloacetate, are termed as C4 plants.
Part 2 :Anatomy of leaf – C4 plants
  • The arrangement of mesophyll and bundle sheath cells in the leaf of C4 plants is different from C3 plants.
  • The parenchymatous cells which are a type of ground tissue present in the leaf are called mesophyll cells. The cells surrounding the vascular bundles is called the bundle sheath cells.
  • In C4 plant these mesophyll cells are clustered around the bundle sheath cells and forms a shape which is similar to the wreath.
  • This arrangement seen in the leaf of C4 plants is called Kranz anatomy.
  • In C3 plants the mesophyll cells are not clustered and they do not exhibit Kranz anatomy .
Part 3:Chloroplast
  • In C3 plants chloroplast are present only in the mesophyll cells.
  • In C4 plants chloroplasts are present in bundle sheath as well as mesophyll cells.
C3 vs C4 plants
CriteriaC3 plantsC4 plantsAnatomy Kranz anatomy absent.Kranz anatomy present.Mesophyll cellsMesophyll cells have intercellular space.Mesophyll cells do not have intercellular space.ChloroplastChloroplasts are found only in mesophyll cells.Chloroplasts are found in both mesophyll and bundle sheath cells.

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