Glycerine has [MP PMT/PET 1988; MP PMT 1989, 91; AIIMS 1997]
One primary and two secondary-OH groups
One secondary and two primary-OH groups
Three secondary -OH groups
Gold number is [MP PET/PMT 1988]
Two coherent monochromatic light beams of intensities I and 4I are superposed. The maximum and minimum possible intensities in the resulting beam are [IIT-JEE 1988; RPMT 1995; AIIMS 1997; MP PMT 1997;MP PET 1999; BHU 2002; KCET 2000, 05]
Acetamide is treated separately with the following reagents. Which would give methyl amine
[IIT 1983; CPMT 1988, 94; MP PET 1993;
MP PMT 1996; AIIMS 1998]