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How can bad habit like Drug addiction harm the youth people?

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Some of the ways drugs and alcohol abuse affect the life of a teenager or young adult can include the following…

Learning Problems Caused from Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Drug abuse can negatively affect the memory of teenagers. This may lead to poor academic performance and difficulty memorizing things. The problem may deteriorate as a person grows older. During the teenage years, the brain sheds gray matter to work more efficiently. Here are five facts about brain development.

Social problems Caused from Drug and Alcohol Abuse

It’s been found that teenagers who abuse drugs are likely to suffer from various social problems. They have difficulty relating to their peers, and are more likely to show anti-social behavior. The “rebellious” behavior of teens is sometimes associated with drug and alcohol abuse. Teenagers who abuse drugs are also more likely to steal and get into physical fights.

Risky Sexual Behavior Caused from Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Teenagers and young adults who abuse drugs and alcohol are more likely to indulge in risky sexual behavior. Evidence has shown that young people who abuse drugs are less likely to use protection during sex and are more likely to have sex with strangers. This considerably increases the chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and teen pregnancy.

Considering all the possible problems, it’s essential for parents to play a proactive role when it comes to making sure their children stay away from illegal drugs and other harmful substances. The first step is to talk with kids and have an open relationship them. Parents may not always like what their kids are doing, but they should accept that problems will arise at some. Being open and honest with each other might resolve the dangerous problems

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