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How communicable diseases can be avoided?

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1) Wash your hands before and after contact with an infected person.In standard or universal precautions, all bodily fluids from the infected person are considered contagious. Hand washing is one of the most standard ways that you can avoid becoming infected once you have had contact with an infected person. When you rub your hands together while washing them, you remove the microorganisms that could be present. To wash your hands thoroughly:
  • Get a paper towel to turn on the faucet. Wet your hands with soap and water. Apply enough soap and let it lather in your hands. Rub your hands palm to palm. Put your right palm over the other hand with the fingers interlaced and vice versa.
  • Rub your hands palm to palm with interlaced fingers. Rub the backs of your fingers to the opposing palms, interlocking your fingers. Rub the left thumb in a rotating motion together with the clasped right palm and vice versa. Rub your clasped fingers back and forth
  • Rinse your hands with water. Pat dry with a towel. Get a new paper towel and turn off the faucet
  • 2)Wash for the appropriate amount of time, or use hand sanitizer.According to the World Health Organization, the ideal duration of washing your hands is to sing the Happy Birthday song two times while you wash.
  • You can also use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer as an alternate if soap and water are not available. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer can kill microorganism by dissolving their cellular membrane.
  • 3)
  • Take precautions against diseases that are transmitted through direct contact.Infections can be spread through stool, urine, vomitus, wound drainage, and other bodily fluids. These are considered forms of direct contact. Diseases can also be spread when you touch something that an infected person has touched (this is called indirect contact). You can use personal protective equipment to guard against both direct and indirect contact.
  • Gloves. These create a barrier between your hands and any infected surface.
  • Goggles.
  • Gown.
  • Also, hand washing is done before and after contact with infected persons if you work in a hospital or are taking care of someone that is ill.
  • 4 Take precautions against diseases that are spread through droplets.If you are taking care of someone who is sick, you should wear a face mask in case the person sneezes or coughs. When a person sneezes or coughs, microorganisms can be projected into the air.[1]
  • However, they do not remain in the air for long, but face masks can still help to protect you.

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