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I had my exam today. I knew all the answers to the question but I left with minimum time to do it. I left 2-3 questions to do because I had no time to do that. I have very slow calculation to do I wasted my much time to calculate. Sometimes I do multiply but i check it again to ensure it. I have no confidence in calculation. I want to increase my calculation please give me tips and advice for my better. Please please please😌😌

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Trust me, this is not a nightmare. This is probably one of the best and memorable situations of your life. Being an engineer in India, I have done this for each and every paper of my academic career. And I mean it literally.
Dont worry. First of all believe in yourself & you are capable of everything.
Practice practice practice this is the only method to increase your confidence in calculations
Now during rechecking your calculations, do quick mind math ,some tricks will help you to do so

When confronted with a difficult calculation, try to find a way of simplifying the problem by temporarily shifting the values around. When calculating 593+680, for example, add 7 to 593 to get 600 (more manageable). Calculate 600+680, which is 1280, and then take away that additional 7 to get the correct answer, 1273

You can do a similar thing with multiplication. For 89x6, calculate 90x6 instead, and then subtract that additional 6, so 540-6=534.
Hppe this will help you

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