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(i)Name two elemental forms in which carbon occurs.

(ii)Name any two forms in which carbon is found in a combined state with other elements in nature.

(iii) Briefly explain how it can be said that all life forms are based on carbon-containing molecules.

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(i) Elementary form: diamond, graphite.

Explanation: There are natural diamonds and synthetic diamonds. The land produces natural diamonds and humans produce synthetic diamonds. Diamond is the hardest natural substance which is made up of pure carbon, a chemical element like graphite. Natural graphite occurs in three forms: crystalline, amorphous, and lump graphite.

(ii) Combined state: carbon dioxide, carbohydrates.

Explanation: The coexistence of carbon and other elements in nature is as follows. Carbon Dioxide Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most abundant carbon compound found in our nature. Here, carbon is mixed with elemental oxygen to produce carbon dioxide gas. Methane (CH4) is another carbon compound most readily available in nature. Here, carbon is mixed with hydrogen, but in a different proportion than the mixture of carbon and oxygen in carbon dioxide to form methane gas.

(iii) Life form: All living things contain protoplasm, organic matter that stores and releases energy, and enzymes that catalyze various metabolic reactions. All these are organic substances made up of carbon. Proteins, enzymes, and carbohydrates.

Explanation: Carbon is one of the most important and basic elements for life to exist. All living organisms are made up of organic carbon molecules. This could include skin, hair, or other parts of the body that all contain carbon molecules. It is essential for the growth of living organisms.

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