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Identify the process explained in the image given below.

Budding in Hydra
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Binary fission in Amoeba
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Multiple fission in Amoeba
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Budding in Yeast
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The correct option is D Budding in Yeast
Yeast reproduce by a type of asexual reproduction called budding. In yeast the division is unequal and small outgrowth called buds are produced. These buds remain attached initially to the parent cell which grows and eventually gets separated and mature into new yeast organisms/cells.

Hydra reproduce by budding. Bud grows externally and remains attached to the parent body until it becomes an adult. After maturing it detaches from the parent body.

Binary fission is also a type of asexual reproduction. In binary fission a parent cell divides into two daughter cells of approximately equal size and each rapidly grows into an adult. Example Amoeba.

Under unfavourable conditions the Amoeba withdraws its pseudopodia and forms a cyst around itself. This phenomenon is termed as encystation. When favourable conditions return it divides by the process of multiple fission and produces many pseudopodiospores or small Amoeba. Then the cyst wall bursts out and liberates the spores in the surrounding medium which then grow up into many Amoeba.

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