In spinel structure, oxides ions form fcc lattice, whereas 18th of tetrahedral holes are occupied by cations A2+ and 12 of octahedral holes are occupied by cations B3+ ions. The general formula of the compound having spinel structure is
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The correct option is BAB2O4 In spinel structure, oxide ions forms the ccp arrangements, it occupies the corners and face centres of the cubic unit cell. No. of O2−ions in unit cell =N ∴ Number of tetrahedral voids =2N Number of octahedral voids =N
A2+ ions occupies 18 of the tetrahedral holes ∴ Number of A2+ ions in an unit cell =18×2N=N4
B3+ ions occupies 12 of the octahedral holes ∴ Number of B3+ ions in an unit cell =N2
The ratio of A2+:B3+:O2− is =N4:N2:N
Thus, the general formula of spinel structure is AB2O4