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In your area there is scarcity of water and due to this people are affected. So, what are the measures to be taken by you to meet out the scarcity of water?

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There are several ways to increase the water supply to meet out the scarcity of water such as
(1) Seeding clouds: Seeding clouds with dry ice or potassium iodide particles can initiate rain if water laden clouds and conditions that favour precipitation are present.
(2) Desalination (Reverse osmosis): (i) Desalination of ocean water is a technology that can increase fresh water. It is more expensive than other sources of fresh water. It involves common methods of evaporation and re-condensation.
(3) Dams, reservoirs, and canals: Dams and storage reservoirs tap run off water in them and transfer the excess water to deficit areas using and underground pipes.
(4) Watershed management: The management of rainfall and resultant runoff is called watershed management. Watershed is an area characterized by a construction of small dams to hold back water which will provide wildlife habitat.
(5) Rainwater harvesting: It means collecting rainwater from the roof of building or courtyards through pipes and storing it in underground tanks for later use. (ii) It is economically beneficial. It helps to meet increased demand for water particularly in urban areas and prevent flooding in living areas.
(6) Wetland conservation: It preserves natural water storage and act as aquifer recharge zones.
(7) Domestic conservation: Reducing the water loss by taking shower, low flow taps, using recycled water for lawns, home gardens, vehicle washing etc.
(8) Industrial conservation: Cooling water can be recharged. Waste water can be treated and reused.

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