IUPAC name of (CH3)2CH - N(CH3)2 is
Longest carbon chain is taken as original compound
(I) n - propyl amine and isopropyl amine are position isomers (II)n - butyl amine, isobutyl amine are chain isomers (III)n - propyl amine and tri methyl amine are functional isomers
(IV)di ethyl amine and n - propyl methyl amine are metamers The correct statements are
The hydrocarbon 2-methyl butane is an isomer of : (a) n-pentane (b) n-butane (c) propane (d) iso-butane
The correct IUPAC name for CH2=CH CH2NH CH3 is
A positive carbyl amine test is given by
1. N, N - Dimethyl aniline
2. 2,4 - Dimethyl aniline
3. N - Methyl - o - methyl aniline
4. p - Methyl benzyl amine