The correct option is
B Zea maysThe C
4 plants often possess a characteristic leaf anatomy called as Kranz anatomy. Their vascular bundles are surrounded by two rings of cells - the inner ring, called bundle sheath cells, contains starch-rich chloroplasts lacking grana, which differ from those in mesophyll cells present as the outer ring. Hence, the chloroplasts are called dimorphic.
The primary function of Kranz anatomy is to provide a site in which CO2 can be concentrated around RuBisCO, thereby avoiding photorespiration. In order to maintain a significantly higher CO2 concentration in the bundle sheath compared to the mesophyll, the boundary layer of the Kranz has a low conductance to CO2, a property that may be enhanced by the presence of suberin. Krantz anatomy is characteristic of C4 plants and maize is a C4 plant.So, the correct answer is option B.