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make a list of products for which you think demand is price inelastic and price elastic . specify the reason you may think relevant for your analysis

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Let’s consider some of the factors that can help us predict whether demand for a product is likely to be elastic or inelastic. The following are important considerations:

  • Substitutes: Price elasticity of demand is fundamentally about substitutes. If it’s easy to find a substitute product when the price of a product increases, the demand will be more elastic. If there are few or no alternatives, demand will be less elastic.
  • Necessities vs. luxuries: A necessity is something you absolutely must have, almost regardless of the price. A luxury is something that would be nice to have, but it’s not absolutely necessary. Consider the elasticity of demand for cookies. A buyer may enjoy a cookie, but it doesn’t fulfill a critical need the way a snow shovel after a blizzard or a life-saving drug does. In general, the greater the necessity of the product, the less elastic, or more inelastic, the demand will be, because substitutes are limited. The more luxurious the product is, the more elastic demand will be.
  • Share of the consumer’s budget: If a product takes up a large share of a consumer’s budget, even a small percentage increase in price may make it prohibitively expensive to many buyers. Take rental housing that’s located close to downtown. Such housing might cost half of one’s budget. A small percentage increase in rent could cause renters to relocate to cheaper housing in the suburbs, rather than reduce their spending on food, utilities, and other necessities. Therefore the larger the share of an item in one’s budget, the more price elastic demand is likely to be. By contrast, suppose the local grocery store increased the price of toothpicks by 50 percent. Since toothpicks represent such a small part of a consumer’s budget, even a significant increase in price is likely to have only a small effect on demand. Thus, the smaller the share of an item in one’s budget, the more price inelastic demand is likely to be.
  • Short run versus long run: Price elasticity of demand is usually lower in the short run, before consumers have much time to react, than in the long run, when they have greater opportunity to find substitute goods. Thus, demand is more price elastic in the long run than in the short run.
  • Competitive dynamics: Goods that can only be produced by one supplier generally have inelastic demand, while products that exist in a competitive marketplace have elastic demand. This is because a competitive marketplace offers more options for the buyer

Inelastic goods are those commodities whose demand does not change relative to change in prices.
Price Inelastic Goods Price Elastic Goods
Petrol as it has very few alternatives .
Tap water
Apple iphones , ipads
Telephone services
Inferior goods like jawar, millet etc which is not consumed by many people in comparison to rice and wheat.
branded items for which there are fairly close substitutes. Price of one goes up means its demand reduces drastically.

Demand for luxury items like
Housing (Mansions, Luxury flats etc)

Close Substitutes like tea and coffee etc

Demand for products that are considered necessities is less sensitive to price changes because consumers will still continue buying these products despite price increases. On the other hand, an increase in price of a good or service that is far less of a necessity will deter consumers because the opportunity cost of buying the product will become too high.

A good or service is considered highly elastic if even a slight change in price leads to a sharp change in the quantity demanded or supplied. Usually these kinds of products are readily available in the market and a person may not necessarily need them in his or her daily life, or if there are good substitutes.

Dear student you can expand the list based on the above idea and kindly mark this session as satisfactory

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