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Byju's Answer
Standard IX
The Ottoman Empire
Make a list o...
Make a list of types of climate in different parts of North America
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Instructions: List down the types of climate in North America. Also, write the name of the region where a particular type of climate is prominent.
In North America broadly we can find 4 types of climates:
Tundra type of climate
Taiga type of climate
Warm Temperate type of Climate
Cool Temperate type of Climate
Tundra type of climate
Found in: Alaska and Canada
Covered with snow for than 9 months
Vegetation: Mosses, lichens and grasses
Animals: Reindeer, polar bear, musk ox and Caribou.
Taiga type of climate
Temperate Region: Between the Arctic Circle (66.5 N) and the Tropic of Cancer (23.5 N)
Severe winters
Heavy snowfall
Short warm summers
Coniferous trees: Pine, spruce, fir and birch
Animals: Caribou, Elk, Moose, Bears and Mink.
Cool temperate type of climate :
Location: East of St. Lawrence river and Appalachian region
Climate: Mild Summers and winters due to oceanic influences
Vegetation: Mixed forests: Coniferous and deciduous trees
Deciduous trees: Beech, Birch, Chestnut, Maple, Oak, Pine, Fir, Spruce and Larch
Animals: Deer, wolves, bears and beavers
Warm temperate type of climate
And we saw the following features related to it:
Found in: Florida
Climate: Hot humid summers and mild winters
Deciduous trees: Yellow pine, Cypress
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