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Match Column I with Column II and select the correct option from the codes given below.

Column IColumn II
(a) Green algae(i) Porphyra
(b) Red algae(ii) Fucus
(c) Brown algae(iii) Gelidium
(iv) Laminaria
(v) Volvox
(vi) Caulerpa
(vii) Chondrus

a-(i), (iv), (v); b-(iii), (vi); c-(iv), (vii)
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a-(v), (vi); b-(i), (iii), (vii); c-(ii), (iv)
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a-(iv), (v); b-(i), (iii), (vi); c-(iv), (vii)
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a-(v); b-(i), (iii), (vii); c-(ii), (iv), (vi)
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The correct option is B a-(v), (vi); b-(i), (iii), (vii); c-(ii), (iv)
  • Volvox is a genus of chlorophytes, a type of green algae. It forms spherical colonies of up to 50,000 cells. They live in a variety of freshwater habitats.
  • Caulerpa is a genus of seaweeds in the family Caulerpaceae (among the green algae). They are unusual because they consist of only one cell with many nuclei, making them among the biggest single cells in the world.
  • Porphyra is a coldwater seaweed that grows in cold, shallow seawater. More specifically, it is a foliose red algal genus of laver. Porphyra, commonly known as nori, is the most widely consumed seaweed in the world. It's commonly found in Asian food, especially Japanese food.
  • Red algae are red because of the presence of the pigment phycoerythrin. Gelidium is a genus of thalloid alga.
  • Gelidium amansii is an economically important species of red algae commonly found in the shallow coast of many East and Southeast Asian countries.
  • Chondrus crispus commonly called Irish moss or carrageen moss is a species of red algae that grows abundantly along with the rocky parts of the Atlantic coast of Europe and North America.
  • Fucus is a genus of brown algae found in the intertidal zones of rocky seashores almost throughout the world. The brown colour of these algae results from the dominance of the xanthophyll pigment fucoxanthin.
  • Laminaria is a genus of 31 species of brown algae commonly called "kelp". Some species are also referred to as tangle. This economically important genus is characterized by long, leathery laminae and relatively large size.

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