Match the following parts of the ear with their functions.
Column IColumn IIi. Pinnaa. Collects Vibrations in the airii. Cochleab. Region between Pinna and eardrumiii. Meatusc. Transfers vibrations to ear ossiclesiv. Tympanic membraned. Transforms sound to nerve impulsesv. Eustachian tubee. Equalises pressure between the inner and outer ear
i).➡ a., ii).➡ d., iii).➡ b., iv). ➡ d, v). ➡ e.
The parts of the ear with their functions are as follows:
Column IColumn IIi. Pinnaa. Collects Vibrations in the airii. Cochlead. Transforms sound to nerve impulsesiii. Meatusb. Region between Pinna and eardrumiv. Tympanic membranec. Transfers vibrations to ear ossiclesv. Eustachian tubee. Equalises pressure between the inner and outer ear