You can explain to Mohan, that sex of a child is determined at the time
of conception. Women are homogametic, that is, they will produce only
one type of ova (22+X). Men are heterogametic. they produce tow
types of sperms in equal proportion, androsperms (22+Y) and
gynosperms (22+X). It is a matter of chance that the ovum is
fertilized by an androsperm or a gynosperm. The same chance can occur
two, three, or more times. But for any chance, the wife cannot be
blamed. It is the father which is responsible for the sex of the child.
can further be told that women are more important part of the family as
well as society. A woman is not only the caretaker of the child. She is
also the first and real teacher of the baby. She is responsible for
upkeep and care of the family and its aquaintances. Educated and working
women not only share social responsiblities but also add to the income
of the family.