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Name any one green house gas and its possible source of production on a large scale. What are the harmful effects of it?

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Greenhouse gases

Greenhouse gases absorb the infrared radiations re-radiated by the Earth after reception of solar energy, thus preventing them from escaping the Earth’s atmosphere, which results in an increase in the temperature. This is called the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and fluorinated gases.

Source of carbon dioxide

The sources of large scale production of carbon dioxide are as follows:-
  • Burning of fossil fuels for electricity and transportation.
  • Deforestation: The degree of carbon dioxide fixation is reduced due to the cutting down of trees.
Harmful effects of carbon dioxide

Harmful effects of carbon dioxide are as follows:-
  • Increased carbon dioxide concentration causes a rise in global temperatures, increased sea levels and climate change.
  • Air pollution increases resulting in diseases in humans like respiratory and heart diseases.
  • Excess of atmospheric carbon dioxide gets into the ocean and forms carbonic acid, which reduces the pH of the ocean. This also solubilises the calcium present in crustaceans as well as cause coral bleaching.

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