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Name any two methods of birth control and mention the advantages and disadvantages of each. [5 MARKS]

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Each Part: 2.5 Marks

Methods of Birth Control:

(i) Hormonal Methods (pills):Various hormonal preparation come in the form of tablets or pills (commonly called contraceptive pills). These hormones prevent the release of the egg from the ovary, but they do not effect the other phases of the menstrual cycle. Names like Mala-N and Mala-D for such pills are commonly found in the print and electronic media. Some latest methods include skin-implants and injectible contraceptives.
Advantages. Easy and convenient to use. Regularise periods. Can reduce menstrual bleeding, period pain, and premenstrual tension. These methods are 98-99% reliable.
Disadvantages. Possible initial side effects are nausea, headache, sore breast, water retention, between-period bleeding, depression, and loss of libido. Possible risk of thrombosis link with breast and cervical cancer.

(ii) Intra - Uterine Devices (IUDs): These are plastic devices which come in various shapes. The two devices commonly used in India are Lippe's Loop and copper-T. Due to the presence of a foreign body, the blastocyst cannot implant in the uterus, and hence no pregnancy occurs.
Advantages. These devices are effective immediately (unless you are already pregnant). They are especially suitable for those over 35 and those who have children. They are 95 - 98% reliable.
Disadvantages. These devices can be expelled from the body. They have to be replaced every year. There is a possibility of pelvic infection, which might cause sterility. Also, there is a chance of ectopic pregnancy.

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