Arm bone is the upper limb made up of humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals and phalanges. All these bones are joined by hinge joints which allow the limb to move only in one direction.
1. Humerus makes up the upper arm.
2. Fore-arm is made up of radius and ulna.
3. Wrist is made up of carpals.
4. Palm is made up of metacarpals.
5. Fingers are made up of phalanges

Leg bone is the lower limb made up of femur, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges. All these bones are joined by hinge joints which allow the limb to move only in one direction. Knee is covered by a cap like structure called as patella or a knee cap.
1. Femur makes up the thigh bone.
2. Leg is made up of tibia and fibula.
3. Ankle is made up of tarsals.
4. Foot is made up of metatarsals.
5. Toes are made up of phalanges.