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Name the kinds of cells found in the following places:
(a) Surface of the human skin
(b) Salivary gland
(c) Brain
(d) Inner lining of the wind pipe

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a)Surface of human skin simple Epithelium.

  1. The tissue found at the outer layer of the skin is Epithelial tissue.
  2. Epithelial tissue is the thin, protective, and continuous sheet of cells.
  3. It covers the surface of the body such as the outermost layer of the skin.
  4. It also covers the inner lining of various body cavities and internal organs such as the mouth, nose, lungs and blood vessels, etc.

b)Salivary glands Cuboidal epithelium

  1. The cuboidal epithelium is also found in some glandular ducts such as salivary glands, pancreatic ducts, and some parts of the kidney.
  2. The Simple cuboidal epithelia are found on the surface of ovaries whereas the cuboidal epithelial cells containing microvilli line the testis.
  3. It helps in excretion, absorption, secretion and provides mechanical support.

c)Brain Ciliated epithelium

  1. Astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and ependymal cells are cells present in the organ brain.
  2. Ependymal cells are the type of neuronal support cell (neuroglia) cells.
  3. The ependyma is the thin epithelium-like lining of the ventricular system of the brain and the spinal cord whose cells are ciliated simple columnar epithelium-like cells

d)Inner lining of wind pipe Ciliated Epithelium.

  1. Ciliated columnar epithelium is the form of columnar epithelium bearing cilia which lines the respiratory tracts, kidney tubules, and oviduct.
  2. The presence of the cilia in the epithelium allows the rhythmic beating in one direction to move the substance.
  3. The goblet cells secrete mucin and create a protective mucus layer.

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