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Name the various parts of the lymphatic system. State their functions also.

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Lymphatic system

  1. The lymphatic system is a network of tissues, vessels, and organs that work together to move a colorless, watery fluid called lymph back into your circulatory system (your bloodstream).

The various parts of the lymphatic system and their functions are:

Lymph nodes

  1. They are small clusters of tissue along the lymph vessels.
  2. Their function is to filter out viruses, fungi, and bacteria that can various diseases.

Lymphatic Vessels

  1. They are a network of microvessels running across the body to transport fluid away from the tissues and return lymph to blood circulation.


  1. It is situated on the left quadrant of the belly beneath the rib cage.
  2. Its chief function is to guard the body by driving out damaged red blood cells and producing white blood cells.


  1. It is responsible for the development and growing of t lymphocyte cells


  1. These are small and situated near the mouth and pharyngeal region.
  2. It prevents disease-carrying organisms from entering the body through the mouth and nose.

Thoracic duct

  1. It is a lymphatic vessel that eliminates lymph from the lower region of the body and the rest part of the thorax.

Lymph capillary

  1. These are also known as terminal lymphatics.
  2. This is the region where the interstitial fluid becomes lymph fluid.

Right lymphatic duct

  1. Its function is to drain lymph from the upper left part of the body.

Peyer’s patch

  1. These are a group of lymphatic nodes in the mucosa that protects the ileum situated in the small intestine from harmful pathogens and germs.


  1. It is also known as the pharyngeal pharynx and is located in the nasopharynx at the roof of the nasal cavity.
  2. They defend our body by keeping out the harmful bacteria and germs that we usually swallow or breathe.

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