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Name the various types of asexual reproduction.

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Asexual reproduction is a mode of reproduction in which a new offspring is produced by a single parent. The new individuals produced are genetically and physically identical to each other, i.e., they are the clones of their parents.

There are different types of asexual reproduction:

  • Binary Fission
  • Budding
  • Fragmentation
  • Vegetative Propagation
  • Sporogenesis

During binary fission, the parent cell divides into two cells. The cell division patterns vary in different organisms, i.e., some are directional while others are non-directional. Amoeba and euglena exhibit binary fission.

Fragmentation is another mode of asexual reproduction exhibited by organisms such as spirogyra, planaria, etc. The parent body divides into several fragments and each fragment develops into a new organism.

Regeneration is the power of growing a new organism from the lost body part. For eg., when a lizard loses its tail, a new tail grows. This is because the specialized cells present in the organism can differentiate and grow into a new individual. Organisms like hydra and planaria exhibit regeneration.

Budding is the process of producing an individual through the buds that develop on the parent body. Hydra is an organism that reproduces by budding. The bud derives nutrition and shelter from the parent organism and detaches once it is fully grown.

Asexual reproduction in plants occurs through their vegetative parts such as leaves, roots, stems, and buds. This is called vegetative propagation. For example, potato tubers, runners/stolon, onion bulbs, etc., all reproduce through vegetative propagation.

Spore formation is another means of asexual reproduction. During unfavorable conditions, the organism develops sac-like structures called sporangium that contain spores. When the conditions are favorable, the sporangium burst opens and spores are released that germinate to give rise to new organisms.

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