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Q1.how does a moving electron creates magnetic as well as electric field and in what way these two fields are different from each other?

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A charged particle moving without acceleration produces an electric aswell as a magnetic field. It producesan electric field because it's a charge particle. But when it is at rest, it doesn't produce a magnetic field.
A moving electron alone actually does not produce a magnetic field. It requires electrons and protons to produce a magnetic field. As the electrons move relative to protons (ions) there is a relativistic charge per unit volume difference between the positive and the negative charges. This causes any external charges to feel a force we know as the magnetic field.
There are fundamental differences between the Electric and the Magnetic field. These include:

(1) The electric field starts from a positive charge (source) and ends in a negative charge (sink). The magnetic field has no sources or sinks, it is caused by moving electric charges or a changing electric field, but form closed loops (solenoidal).

Mathematically this is expressed as div B = 0, div E = (rho/epsilon), where rho is the volume charge density and epsilon is the permittivity of the medium.

(2) The Electric field is conservative while the magnetic field is not. This means the work done to move an electric charge along a closed loop in an Electric field is zero, while the work done to move a magnetic charge round a close loop in a magnetic field is not zero.

(3) Electric charges move along the lines of the electric field, while an electric charge moves in a circular orbit if its velocity is perpendicular to the magnetic field, or helical path if its velocity has a component parallel to the magnetic field.

Mathematically a charge q experiences a force F = qE, in an electric field. An electric charge q, moving with velocity v, experiences a force F’, given by the expression F’ = q v x B. Here F’ is the force due magnetic field, to distinguish it from F, the force due to the electric field. The x is the cross product.

(4) According to relativity, there is nothing called magnetic field. It is the effect observed when an electric field changes

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