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JEE Advanced Paper 2 | 2010
Q. The compounds P, Q and S were separately subjected to nitration using HNO3/H2SO4 mixture. The major product formed in each case respectively is
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Q. The total number of diprotic acids among the following is:

H3PO4, H2SO4, H3PO3, H2CO3, H2S2O7, H3BO3, H3PO2, H2CrO4, H2SO3

  1. 6
  2. 5
  3. 4
  4. 2
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Q. Assuming that Hund's rule is violated, the bond order and magnetic nature of the diatomic molecule B2 is:
  1. 1 and diamagnetic
  2. 0 and diamagnetic
  3. 0 and paramagnetic
  4. 1 and paramagnetic
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Q. The species having pyramidal shape is :
  1. SO3
  2. BrF3
  3. SiO23
  4. OSF2
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Q. Total number of geometrical isomers for the complex [RhCl(CO)(PPh3)(NH3)] is:
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Q. The packing efficiency of the two-dimensional square unit cell shown in the given figure is :
  1. 39.27%
  2. 74.05%
  3. 68.02%
  4. 78.54%
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Q. Silver (atomic weight =108 g mol1) has a density of 10.5 g cm3. The number of silver atoms on a surface of area 1012 m2 can be expressed in scientific notation as y×10x. The value of x is :
  1. 7
  2. 6
  3. 9
  4. 8
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Q. In the reaction the structure of the product T is :
  1. 32069_164423.PNG
  2. 32069_164424.PNG
  3. 32069_164425.PNG
  4. 32069_164426.PNG
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Q. The complex showing a spin-only magnetic moment of 2.82 B.M. is:
  1. Ni(CO)4
  2. Ni(PPh3)4
  3. [NiCl4]2
  4. [Ni(CN)4]2
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Q. One mole of an ideal gas is taken from a to b along two paths denoted by the solid and the dashed lines as shown in the graph above. If the work done along the solid line path is ws and that along the dotted line path is wd, then the integer closest to the ratio wd/ws is :
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
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Q. Among the given elements: O, Cl, F, N, P, Sn, Tl, Na and Ti, the number of elements showing only one non-zero oxidation state is :
  1. 4
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 5
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