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Read the following related to cancer and identify the correct options for the two blanks.

Confined to their location:____i____ : Causes little damage

Not confined to their location: ____ii____ : Causes rapid damage.

i - Benign tumor, ii - Malignant tumor
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i - Benign tumor, ii - Proliferating masses
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i - Malignant tumor, ii - Benign tumor
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i - Proliferating masses, ii - Benign tumor
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The correct option is A i - Benign tumor, ii - Malignant tumor
The mechanism of cell division and differentiation occurs in a highly regulated way in normal cells.

In the normal cells, the cell growth stops when two or more cells come in contact with each other. This property of normal cells is called contact inhibition due to which the uncontrolled growth of cells is inhibited.

Unfortunately, the property of contact inhibition is lost in cancer cells and they divide in an uncontrolled manner forming a mass of cells called tumors.

Figure: Contact inhibition

A tumor is classified into following types based on its ability to undergo metastasis (spread to other areas):
  • Benign Tumor - These tumors are localized, that means they are confined to a particular location in the body and do not spread to the other parts of the body. Such tumors are generally harmless as they cause less damage to the body.
  • Malignant Tumor - These tumors are cancerous, meaning that they will grow quickly and spread to other normal tissues of the body. This ability to spread is called metastasis. Usually, these types of cancer cells metastasize and form secondary tumors across various sites in the body, once they get into the bloodstream or the lymph. They starve the normal cells by competing for vital nutrients and finally destroy them. In this way they cause rapid damage to the tissues.
Figure: Types of tumors

Hence option a is correct.

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