The correct option is
A 1
Human intervention over the years has resulted in the rapid loss of biodiversity (variety and variability of living organisms and ecosystems on this planet Earth) leading to extinction of many species and threatening many with extinction in the future.
Each living resource of the planet Earth contributes to the restoration of life on this planet and makes Earth a habitable planet.
Thus, conservation of biodiversity has become a priority and the reasons to justify the need for conservation can be categorised into narrowly utilitarian reasons, broadly utilitarian reasons and ethical reasons.
All the economic utilities that derive from the living beings around, such as, food, fabric, wood, medicines, etc., are included under narrowly utilitarian reasons.
Medicinal benefits of plants are widely known and they account for more than 25% of the drugs available in the market. Nearly 25000 different species of plants produce traditional medicines that have been used by native people all over the world, since ages and there might be many which are yet to be explored. Thus statements I and II are incorrect.
For example, quinine is a drug isolated from the bark of Cinchona tree that is used in the treatment of malaria. Reserpine is a drug isolated from the Rauwolfia vomitoria plant and is used for its antihypertensive properties. Thus statement III is incorrect.

The modern times have enabled people to invest more into bioprospecting which involves exploring molecular, genetic and species-level diversity amongst life forms for products of economic importance. This would help nations with rich biodiversity to utilise their bioresources for greater benefits. Thus, statement IV is correct.
Broadly utilitarian reasons include the invaluable services provided by organisms towards the ecosystem they live in, such as, release of oxygen by plants, climate regulation, pollination by insects, etc.
Ethical reasons reflect the moral responsibility of human beings to save and protect organisms not just for their utilitarian significance but also for their intrinsic value.