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Schematically represent primary, secondary and tertiary structures of a hypothetical polymer say for example a protein.

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Primary structure of proteins

The primary structure of proteins is represented by a straight chain of amino acids with the adjacent monomers (amino acids) linked by peptide bonds. The chain of amino acids formed have one N-terminal and one C-terminal end.

Secondary structure of proteins

Linear chain of amino acids folds upon itself due to formation of hydrogen bonds between some atoms in the chain.
As a result, secondary structures are formed.

There are two major types of secondary structures of protein: α helix and β pleated sheet.

Tertiary structure of proteins
  • Tertiary structure of proteins is a 3-D folding of polypeptide chain in which a protein folds upon itself like a hollow woolen ball due to the side chain interactions.
  • This is formed due to the formation of many bonds like disulphide bonds, hydrophobic interactions, Van der Waal interactions etc.
  • It is very important for all the biological activities of proteins like enzyme activity.

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