The correct option is
C Analogous organs - eyes of octopuses and mammals; Homologous organs - forelimbs bones of whale and bat
Evolution refers to the changes that happen in living organisms over the course of generations that make new generations and their ancestors look different. To find out the root mechanism behind evolution, there have been many studies done that are now used as evidence for evolution. Among them, one evidence comes from the comparative study of anatomy and morphology in various organisms that deals with homologous and analogous organs.
Analogous structures include those organs in different organisms that have different structures but apparently appear similar as they perform similar functions. Examples are wings of butterflies and birds, the eyes of octopuses and mammals, flippers of penguins and dolphins, etc. These structures vary a lot in their basic structure but perform the same function in two groups of organisms which have very different origins.

On the other hand, homologous organs are those organs which have the same fundamental structure and origin but look different and perform different functions. For example - thorns of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbita; forelimbs of whales, bats, cheetah and humans. Though these perform different functions, they have similar anatomical structures. Their forelimbs consist of humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals and phalanges.

Therefore, option c has the correct combination of analogous and homologous organs.