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Select the option that correctly matches with the part labelled as A, B, C and D representing the parts of the male reproductive system.

A - Ureter
B - Seminal vesicle
C - Prostate
D - Bulbourethral gland
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A - Ureter
B - Prostate
C - Seminal vesicle
D - Bulbourethral gland
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A - Vas deferens
B - Seminal vesicle
C – Prostate
D - Bulbourethral gland
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A - Vas deferens
B - Seminal vesicle
C - Bulbourethral gland
D - Prostate
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The correct option is C A - Vas deferens
B - Seminal vesicle
C – Prostate
D - Bulbourethral gland

The male reproductive system is a complex system consisting of many ducts and glands that work in coordination for the proper functioning of the male reproductive system.

Vas deferens is the accessory duct present in the male reproductive system that transports sperms from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct.

The seminal vesicle is the accessory gland present in the male reproductive system whose secretion maintains the alkalinity in the male and female reproductive tract and contributes to about 60% of semen.

The prostate gland is a single gland that surrounds the urethra and produces acidic secretion and constitutes about 20 - 25% of semen.

Bulbourethral glands are also called Cowper’s glands that are present on either side of the urethra which neutralises the acidity of the urethra in preparation for the passage of sperm cells and lubricates the glans penis thus protecting sperm from damage.

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