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The elements B [ At. No. 7 ] Have atomic mass 14.

Write the number of protons, number of electrons, and electronic configuration of the element and hence, state whether the elements are noble gases and why.

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Noble gas or inert gas — All those elements that have full fill the outermost shell with an electron fall in the category of inert gas

  • they are odorless, colorless, tasteless, and gases

Electronic configuration — The distribution of electrons in the given shell or orbitals is known as electronic configuration.

  • It also helps to predict whether the elements are metal,non-metal, metalloid, and noble gas.
  • electronic configuration of the given element B is — 2,5
  • If there is 1,2,3 electron in their outermost shell then generally it is metal except, H, He, B.
  • If there is 4,5,6,7 electron in their outermost shell then generally it is non-metal.
  • If there is 2[He], 8 electron in their outermost shell then generally it is a noble gas.

Proton — it is positive sub-particles of the element

  • Present at the center of an atom I:e nucleus
  • Number of proton = atomic number of the atoms
  • Number of proton of the element B is = 7

Electron — It is a negative sub-particles of the element

  • Electrons are revolving around the nucleus in orbital
  • Number of electrons = atomic number of the atoms
  • Number of electrons of element B is = 7

Thus, the number of proton of element A is 7, the number of electrons of A element is 7, and the electronic configuration of the element A is 2,5, and this is non-metal not a noble gas.

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