The correct options are
A The height difference of the two levels is directly proportional to the pressure of the trapped air
B As the value of h increased, V monotonically decreased
C If we blow air through the open end of T, then h would be a bad measure for the pressure of the trapped air
D The graph of h versus the reciprocal of V is a straight line
Boyle concluded his experiment with the following results - (i) The pressure of the trapped gas will be the pressure on the mercury in the shorter column, P, given by P=P0+ρgh, where P0 is1 atm and ρ, the density of mercury. Thus, P is directly proportional to h, but with a P-intercept of P0. (ii) As more mercury was added, P increased (with ρgh); at the same time, the level in the shorter column went up, thus decreasing the volume of trapped air, V. (iii) He plotted the varying, pressure P against V, and (1V), and obtained the following trends
(iv) Astonishingly, the graph of P versus (1V) was, more or less, a straight line for a fixed temperature. This result, which later got identified as Boyle's law, is stated as - p∝(1V) PV= constant (at a certain temperature)> He published this major result in 1660, along with details of his experiments, in one of his first books "New Experiments, Physico Mechanical”.