The value of ∫cz2z4−1dz, using Cauchy's integral formula, around the circle |z+1|=1 where z=x+iy is
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The correct option is B−πi/2 Method I:
Using Cauchy's residue theorem
Let f(z)=z2z4−1
so pole of f(z) are ; z4−1=0 (z4−1)(z2+1)=0 ⇒z=±1 and ±i
i.e., there exist four poles 1,−1,i,−i and all are simple poles.
Now given contour is c:|z+1|=1 (circle)
with centre at z0=−1=(−1,0) and raddius =1
So only z=−1 lies inside ′c′ R=Resf(z)(z=−1)=limz→−1(z+1)f(z) =limz→−1[(z+1)z2(z4−1)](00from) ==limz→−1(3z2+2z4z3)=−14
Hence by Cauch's residue theorem. ∮cf(z)dz=2πi[R]=−πi2
Method II: ∫Z2Z4−1dz=∫Z2(Z2−1)(Z2+1)dz 12∫c(1(Z2−1)+1(Z2+1))dz I=12∫1Z2−1+12∮1Z2+1dz Cis|Z+1|=1 =12∮=1(Z−1)(Z+1)dz+=12∫=1(Z+i)(z−i)dz =12∫c(1Z1)(Z+1)dz+0
[∵ Only z=−1 lies inside C.]
So 2nd integral becomes analytic and its's integral will be zero using cauchy integral theorem.
Now by Cauchy Integral formula, I=122πi[1Z−1]z=−1 I=−πi2
Note: We can also use cauchy Residue theorem to evaluate above question.