The variation of electric field between two charges q1 and q2 along the line joining the charges is plotted against distance from q1 (taking rightward direction of electric field as positive) as shown in the figure. Then, the correct statement is
q1 and q2 are negative and |q1|<|q2|
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q1 and q2 are positive and q1>q2
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q1 and q2 are positive and q1<q2
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q1 is positive and q2 is negative ; q1<|q2|
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The correct option is Cq1 and q2 are positive and q1<q2
We can see from the graph that:
Just to the right of q1, the electric field is +α (let) or in positive direction (away from q1).
Hence, q1 is positive because r and E both are positive.
Just to the left of q2, the electric field is −α (let) or toward left (away from q2).
Hence, q2 is also positive because r and E both are negative.
(3). E=0 is near q1.
Hence q1<q2 because E∝q and E∝1r.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
Why this question?
Concept - For positive charge in E−x curve, x− positive, E positive and x negative, E negative. For negative charge in E−x curve, x− positive, E negative and x negative, E positive.