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Trial balance of John did not agree. He put the difference to suspense account and discovered the following errors.

(a) In the sales book for the month of January total of page 2 was carried forward to page 3 as Rs. 1,000 instead of Rs. 1200 and total of page 6 was carried forward to page 7 as Rs. 5,600 instead of Rs. 5,000.

(b) Wages paid for the installation of machinery Rs. 500 was posted to wages account as Rs. 50.

(c) Machinery purchased from R and Co for Rs. 10,000 on credit was entered in purchase book as Rs. 6,000 and posted there from to R and Co as Rs. 1,000.

(d) Credit sates to Mohan Rs. 5,000 were recorded in purchase book.

(e) Goods returned to Ram Rs. 1,000 were recorded in the sales book.

(f) Credit purchase from S and Co for Rs. 6,000 were recorded in the sales book. However, S and Co were correctly credited.

(g) Credit purchase from M and Co Rs. 6,000 were recorded in sales book as Rs. 2,000 and posted therefrom to the credit of M and Co as Rs. 1,000.

(h) Credit sales to Raman Rs. 4,000 posted to the credit of Raghvan as Rs. 1,000.

(i) Bill receivable for Rs. 1,600 from Noor was dishonoured and posted to the debit of allowances account.

(j) Cash paid to Mani Rs. 5,000 against our acceptance was debited to Manu.

(k) Old furniture sold for Rs. 3,000 was posted to sales account as Rs. 1,000.

(l) Depreciation provided on furniture Rs. 800 was not posted.

(m) Material Rs. 10.000 and wages Rs. 3,000 were used for the construction of a building. No adjustment was made in the books.

Rectify the errors and prepare suspense to ascertain the difference in trial balance.

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DateParticularsLFAmt. (Dr)Amt. (Cr)(a)Sales A/cDr400 To Suspense A/c400(The net balance of sales book overcast byRs. 400, now rectified –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(b)Machinery A/cDr500 To Wages A/c50 To Suspense A/c450(Wages paid for installation of machineryRs. 500, wrongly posted to wages as Rs. 50, nowrectified) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(c)Machinery A/cDr10,000Suspense A/cDr5,000 To Purchase A/c6,000 To R and Co9,000(Purchase of machinery from R and Co Rs. 10,000wrongly posted to purchase account as Rs. 6,000 andposted to R and Co account as Rs. 1,000, now rectified) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(d)Mohan's A/cDr10,000 To Sales A/c5,000 To Purchase A/c5,000(Goods sold to Mohan on credit wronglyposted in purchase account, now rectified) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(e)Sales A/cDr1,000 To Purchase Return A/c1,000(Goods return to Ram, wrongly recorded assales to Ram, now rectified) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(f)Purchase A/cDr6,000Sales A/cDr6,000 To Suspense A/c12,000(Credit purchase was wrongly recorded insales book only, now rectified) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(g)Purchase A/cDr6,000Sales A/cDr2,000 To M and Co5,000 To Suspense A/c3,000(Purchased goods from M and Co Rs. 6,000wrongly recorded in sales book as Rs. 2,000 andcredited to M and Co Account Rs. 1,000, now rectified) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(h)Raman's A/cDr4,000RaghavanDr1,000 To Suspense A/c5,000(Goods sold to Raman for Rs. 4,000, wronglyrecorded to the credit of Raghavan's Account as Rs.1,000, now rectified) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(i)Noor's A/cDr1,600 To Allowance A/c1,600(Bill dishonoured received from Noor, wronglydebited to allowance account, now rectified) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(j)Bills Payable A/cDr5,000 To Manu's A.c5,000(Amount of bills payable paid to Manu,wrongly debited to Manu's Account, now rectified) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(k)Sales A/cDr1,000Suspense A/cDr2,000 To Furniture A/c3000(Old furniture sold for Rs. 3,000, wrongly postedto sales book as Rs. 1000, now rectified) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(l)Depreciation A/cDr800 To Furniture A/c800(Depreciation on furniture was not posted,now rectified) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––(m)Building A/cDr13,000 To Purchase A/c (Material)10,000 To Wages A/c3,000(Rs. 10,800 material and Rs. 3,000 wages used forconstruction of building not recorded, now rectified)
Dr Suspense Account Cr

DateParticularsJFAmt. RsDateParticularsJFAmt. Rs(c)Purchase A/c5,000(a)Sales A/c400(k)Furniture A/c2,000(b)Machinery A/c450balance c/d13,850(f)Purchase A/c6,000Sales A/c 6,000(g)Purchase A/c3,000(h)Raman's A/c4,000 –––Raghavan A/c1,000––––20,850––––––20,850––––––

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Trial balance of John did not agree. He put the difference to suspense account and discovered the following errors :


In the sales book for the month of January total of page 2 was carried forward to page 3 as Rs 1,000 instead of Rs 1,200 and total of page 6 was carried forward to page 7 as Rs 5,600 instead of Rs 5,000.


Wages paid for installation of machinery Rs 500 was posted to wages account as Rs 50.


Machinery purchased from R & Co. for Rs 10,000 on credit was entered in Purchase Book as Rs 6,000 and posted there from to R & Co. as Rs 1,000.


Credit sales to Mohan Rs 5,000 were recorded in Purchases Book.


Goods returned to Ram Rs 1,000 were recorded in Sales Book.


Credit purchases from S & Co. for Rs 6,000 were recorded in sales book. However, S & Co. was correctly credited.


Credit purchases from M & Co. Rs 6,000 were recorded in Sales Book as Rs 2,000 and posted there from to the credit of M & Co. as Rs 1,000.


Credit sales to Raman Rs 4,000 posted to the credit of Raghvan as Rs 1,000.


Bill receivable for Rs 1,600 from Noor was dishonoured and posted to debit of Allowances account.


Cash paid to Mani Rs 5,000 against our acceptance was debited to Manu.


Old furniture sold for Rs 3,000 was posted to Sales account as Rs 1,000.


Depreciation provided on furniture Rs 800 was not posted.


Material Rs 10,000 and wages Rs 3,000 were used for construction of building. No adjustment was made in the books.

Rectify the errors and prepare suspense to ascertain the difference in trial balance.

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