Twining tendrils are due to ____.
Final Answer: Twining tendrils are due to thigmotropism.
Tendrils are found in the following plants. Identify whether they are stem tendrils of leaf tendrils.
(a) Cucumber (b) Peas
(c) Pumpkins (d) Grapevine
(e) Watermelon
The growth of tendrils in pea plants is due to the :
(a) effect of sunlight on the tendril cells facing the sun
(b) effect of gravity on the part of tendril hanging down towards the earth
(c) rapid cell division and elongation in tendril cells that are away from the support
(d) rapid cell division and elongation in tendril cells in contact with the support
What is a tendril? Name the two types of tendrils. What does a tendril do in response to a touch of a support? What is this phenomenon known as?
Twining of tendrils is due to