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Viral diseases of animals include


cephalitis, blue tongue, foot and mouth disease

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blue tongue, foot and mouth disease, rinderpest, and rabies

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blue tongue, rinderpest, cephalitis, and rabies

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The correct option is B

blue tongue, foot and mouth disease, rinderpest, and rabies

Explanation of correct option

The correct option is B.

  1. Bluetongue, foot and mouth disease, rinderpest, and rabies are viral diseases that affect cattle, buffalo, and other livestock.
  2. Bluetongue illness is a non-communicable, insect-borne viral disease that affects ruminants such as sheep, buffalo, deer, sheep, and antelope. The Bluetongue virus is the causative organism.
  3. Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a dangerous and extremely contagious viral infection. Cows, sheep, goats, pigs, deer, and other livestock with divided toes get infected with the FMD virus. Horses, dogs, and cats are not affected.
  4. Rinderpest was primarily transferred to cattle, antelopes, and deer by close interaction and drinking infected water.
  5. Lyssavirus or Rabies virus cause rabies. When a rabies-infected animal scratches or bites a human or another animal, the disease spreads. If mucus from an infected animal gets into direct contact with the mouth, eyes, or nose, it can transmit rabies.

Explanation of incorrect options

Option A:

  1. Cephalitis is a type of brain inflammation caused by the Herpes Simplex virus, and symptoms include headaches, neck stiffness, sleepiness, nausea, and fever.
  2. It is a human disease and does not commonly occur in animals.
  3. But bluetongue and foot and mouth diseases are the most common viral diseases of animals.

Option C:

  1. Bluetongue, rinderpest, and rabies are animal diseases caused by viruses.
  2. But cephalitis is a viral disease that is common in humans.

Final Answer: Viral diseases of animals include the blue tongue, foot and mouth disease, rinderpest, and rabies.

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