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  • Was Sinduri like the village of Jatrya’s dreams?
  • What difference did he find between Sinduri and his dream village?

  • Have you ever been to anyone’s house as an ‘unwanted guest’? How did you feel?

  • What all does your family do, when you have guests at home for a few days?

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  • No, Sinduri was totally different from the village of Jatrya’s dreams.
  • Jatrya dreamt of a perfectly new house in the new village with all the facilities. These included electricity for fans and lights, tap water, school for his children, and buses for traveling to cities. But Sinduri village had few houses having hot tin sheds and only one room given to each family. The hospitals were without doctors. The schools were with teachers who did not behave well with the children of Khedi village. There was electricity, but only for sometime in a day. There were taps but no water. Land was not good for farming and Jatrya had to pay money for everything such as food, medicines, firewood, fodder for animals and electricity bills. People of Sinduri village did not like the people of Khedi village and called them unwanted guests.

  • Disclaimer: The answer to this question is based upon one’s own experience. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided.

  • My family always welcomes guests. We take care of their comfort. My mother prepares special food for them. We behave kindly with them.

    Disclaimer: The answer to this question is based upon one’s own experience. Hence, this can vary from one student to another.

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