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What abiotic factors affect photosynthesis?

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  1. It is the process by which green plants use light energy to synthesize carbon dioxide and water.
  2. The various factors which affect the rate of photosynthesis are:

1. Light:

  1. Incident light is directly proportional to CO2 fixation rate; but at the higher light intensities, its rate does not increase further as other factors become limiting.
  2. Light is also rarely a limiting factor (with the exception of shade plants or plants of the dense forest) as light saturation occurs at 10% of the full sunlight.
  3. Beyond a point, if the incident light is increased, it leads to a decrease in photosynthesis due to the breakdown of chlorophyll.

2. CO2 Concentration:

  1. Major limiting factor.
  2. Usually low in the atmosphere (0.03 − 0.04%), Up to 0.05% − increases rate of CO2 fixation, > 0.05% − damaging effect.
  3. Though both the C3 and C4 show an increase in the rate of photosynthesis at high light intensity accompanied by high CO2 concentration.
  4. This saturation point for the C3 is obtained at higher concentrations as compared to the C4.
  5. Therefore, CO2 concentration is more of a limiting factor for C3 plants.
  6. Increased CO2 concentration is also beneficial for greenhouse crops such as tomatoes and bell paper.

3. Temperature:

  1. Dark reactions are more sensitive to increases in temperature.
  2. C4 plants respond more to an increase in temperature as compared to C3 plants.
  3. Adaptations according to a habitat also affect the temperature optima. Tropical plants generally have higher temperatures compared to temperate ones.

4. Water:

  1. Water stress causes stomata to close and hence, less CO2 is also available.
  2. Water stress causes leaves to wilt, thereby reducing the surface area & metabolic activity as well.

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