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What are chitinous setae? Where they are present?

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Chitinous setae are present in Annelids, which are locomotory organs. these are bristle or stiff hair present, especially in invertebrates. Chitinous are the semitransparent tough substance and the main component exoskeleton of arthropods.
The body of arthropods is divided into three parts head, thorax and abdomen, they consist of the exoskeleton which is brown in colour and hard. The exoskeleton which is hard and called Sclerites. Cockroaches are usually dioecious containing different male and female sexes, male cockroaches are slightly longer than the female. The head is triangular in shape consisting fusion of six segments due to the flexible neck it shows mobility. A pair of eyes are present on the head and antenna are present which are protruding out of membranous sockets. The antenna consists of sensory receptors for monitoring the environment, mouth consists of a pair of mandibles, a pair of labium and maxillae. There is hypo-pharynx which acts as a tongue
Thorax consists the parts like prothorax, mesothorax and metathorax, these thoraces consist the pair of walking legs, tegmina the first pair of legs comes from mesothorax, and the second pair comes from metathorax. tegmina are used for flight.
The abdomen consists of 10 segments hind leg consists of the genital pouch in males and female consists of a genital pouch in 7th, 8th and 9th stern. In both male and female. There is a filamentous structure called anal cerci which is present in the 10th segment of both male and female.

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