Types of Gynoecium Depending on Arrangement of Ovaries
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What are Fabaceae family?
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Fabaceae family:
The Fabaceae is a large and significant angiosperm family in agriculture.
Papilionoideae, a subfamily of Leguminosae, was the previous name for this family.
Vegetative character:
It comprises trees, shrubs, and herbs.
The roots are with root nodules.
The stem is erect or climber.
The leaves are alternate, pinnately compound, or simple.
Floral character:
The racemose inflorescence is the most common.
In general, flowers are zygomorphic.
The calyx is gamosepalous with valvate or imbricate aestivation and five sepals.
Papilionaceous and polypetalous petals with vexillary aestivation make up the corolla. Five petals, one posterior, two lateral, called wings, and two anterior, known as the keel, enclose stamens and pistils.
Androecium has 10 diadelphous stamens. Diathecous anthers have two lobes.
Monocarpellary with superior and unilocular ovary in Gynoecium. There are several ovules in each locule. One curved style is included.
Legume (fruit)
Seeds have two cotyledons and are non-endospermic.
Economic importance:
Pulses, edible oil, dye fibers, fodder, ornamentals, and medicine are all produced by plants in this family.