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What are recombinant DNA vaccines? Give two examples of such vaccines. Discuss their advantages.

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Introduction rDNA vaccine

Vaccines produced through recombinant DNA technology are called rDNA vaccines. The following steps outline the production of rDNA vaccines:-
  • A recombinant DNA is formed by introducing a foreign DNA containing the gene of choice (in this case, it codes for the antigen) into the plasmid. This recombinant plasmid is then introduced into the microbe where it replicates.
  • The gene causes the production of the antigen protein in the microbe which is then purified.
  • The preparation is then used as vaccines after appropriate clinical trials.

Examples of rDNA vaccine

Hepatitis B vaccine and HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccine for humans are examples of rDNA vaccines.

Advantages of rDNA vaccine

Advantages of rDNA vaccine are:
  • It is cost effective.
  • Initiates both cell-mediated and humoral response.
  • Since the chances of contamination are less during production, the vaccine is specific and side effects are less.
  • The manufacture of such vaccines is faster and each vial contains a uniform composition of the vaccine.

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