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What are the types of fish scales?

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Types of fish scales:

Cycloid scales:

  1. These are meager, adaptable, clear dermal plates.
  2. It is generally round in shape and is made out of a focal thicker part called 'core' and various concentric lines of development which are utilized to track down the time of fish.
  3. Their foremost line is pretty much adjusted and stays uncovered.
  4. Their back part has various longitudinal furrows for sucking the sustenance from the fish skin.

Ganoid scales:

  1. These are level basal-looking scales.
  2. They have a hard base layer like that of a cosmoid scale.
  3. Their external layer is comprised of inorganic bone salt called ganoin.
  4. They are jewel moulded and interconnected.
  5. They carry on like protection to frame an almost invulnerable boundary to hunters.
  6. Tracked down on gars, bichirs, and reed fish.

Cosmoid scales:

  1. These scales have outside spines made out of vitrodentine.
  2. They have two basal plates.
  3. Their inward layer is made of lamellar bone.
  4. On the highest point of this layer lies a layer of supple or vascular bone and afterward a layer of dentine-like material called cosmine.
  5. These scales develop alongside fish.
  6. These are tracked down on lobefins and lungfish.

Placoid scales:

  1. They are little, pointed, and tri-transmit scales.
  2. Denticles are tracked down and implanted in the dermal layer of their skin.
  3. It comprises a jewel moulded or rhomboidal-formed basal plate, having an opening of the mash hole and level pike spine.
  4. Their basal plate stays implanted in the dermis which is held by Sharpey's and other connective tissue strands and framed by a trabecular calcified tissue, the concrete.
  5. These scales are tracked down on the skin of sharks, skates, and beams.

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