What are the advantages of tissue culture methods over conventional methods of plant breeding in crop improvement programmes?
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Advantages of tissue culture method:
Conventional breeding methods are very slow and tedious. But tissue culture is very fast as a large number of plants can be grown in a short period of time.
The desired characteristics are not necessarily present in the progeny of two superior parents that have been artificially crossed in a conventional plant breeding programme. But, in tissue culture all the plants in the progeny have the same superior characteristics like the parent.
Tissue culture produces thousands of exact copies of plants together which is not possible in conventional breeding.
Conventional breeding requires seeds or other propagative parts. But in tissue culture a small piece of plant known as explant is sufficient.
By apical meristem culture disease free clones can be created.
By haploid culture purelines can be produced, while in conventional breeding it takes a number of generations of inbreeding.