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What are the effects of the earth's motion?

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Earth's Rotation:

The rotation of the planet Earth around its own axis and variations in the orientation of the rotation axis in space are referred to as Earth's rotation or Earth's spin.

Effects of Earth's Rotation:

The rotation of the earth refers to how it moves as it revolves around the sun. Several impacts of the earth's rotation include: -

Impact on the wind's direction:

  1. As a result of the difference in pressure, the wind moves in a specific direction.
  2. The earth's rotation also plays a role in how the wind changes course.
  3. The winds are deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere by the Coriolis force.
  4. Coriolis force is an inertial or fictitious force that acts on objects in motion within a frame of reference that rotates with respect to an inertial frame.

Day and night cycles:

  1. Days and nights alternate every 24 hours because of the earth's rotation.
  2. The equinox occurs when the number of daylight hours and nighttime hours is equal, while the solstice occurs when there is a significant difference between the two.

Ocean currents' occurrence:

  1. The fluctuations of the wind affect the ocean currents.
  2. The current has a spiraling pattern because of the Coriolis effect.

Development of cyclones:

  1. While cyclones in the Southern Hemisphere move in a clockwise direction, those in the Northern Hemisphere move in an anti-clockwise direction.
  2. The earth's rotation is to blame for this.

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