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What are the first aid measures for burns and insect stings?

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First aid:

  1. First aid is the immediate care or attention given to a patient when immediate medical attention is not possible. It prevents the worsening of an injury or illness.
  2. First aid in the case of a burn is given based on the extent of burns which are classified into three types-
  1. First-degree burns: These are superficial burns that do not cause blisters and the area turns red and hot.
  2. Second-degree burns: These are more severe than first-degree burns, and affect the underline tissues and blood vessels. They are painful and cause blisters.
  3. Third-degree burns: These are the most severe burns which damage the skin, underline fat, muscles, and even the bone. The burnt area usually loses sensation.

First aid for first or second-degree burns:

The place of burnt areas should be placed under cool water and antiseptic cream should be applied to it.

First aid for third-degree burns is:

  1. Do not wash the burnt area with water.
  2. The burnt area should be covered with a sterile dressing.
  3. If the burns are larger they need immediate medical attention.

First aid for stings:

  1. If a person is attacked by a mosquito, fly, bee, or wasp, the sting causes itching and pain.
  2. The area of the sting should be washed with soap and water.
  3. An ice pack should be placed on the area for around 10 minutes to help reduce the pain and swelling.
  4. A calamine lotion or a paste of baking soda, and water should be applied to the area.
  5. This should be repeated several times a day to relieve itching and pain.

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