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Byju's Answer
Standard X
Bohr's Model of an Atom
What is Anti-...
What is Anti-Particle of Proton?
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Step 1: Anti particle:
Every particle has a corresponding antiparticle.
An antiparticle is a particle with mass, spin, charge, and all other properties.
They are the inverse of the sign of any particular elementary particle.
Step 2: Anti-Particle Of Proton:
Antiproton is a proton antiparticle with a mass of 938.257 MeV and a negative charge.
Particle accelerators are used to generate these antiprotons.
The accelerator operates at such a high speed that the particles reach the speed of light, resulting in the generation of antiprotons.
However, when these antiprotons come into contact with the particle accelerator's walls, they decay.
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Bohr's Model of an Atom
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