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What is Food and what are the sources of Food?

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Food: Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth is food. All living things need energy to do work and for growth and repair. They get this energy from the food. Our body uses this energy for doing work.

Sources of Food Materials
Plants and animals are the main sources of food.
Food from plant source: Rice, wheat, vegetables, fruits, etc. are obtained from plant source. We get these ingredients from certain parts of different plants.
Root: We eat root of radish, carrot, turnip, potato, sweet potato, beet, etc.
Stem: In certain plants the stem grows underground and store the food. Ginger, potato and onion are stems of plants in which food is stored. So, we eat stem of ginger, potato, onion etc.
Leaf: Spinach, Lettuce, Trigonella, etc. We eat leaves of these plants.
Fruits: Guava, apple, banana, mango, papaya, orange etc. We eat fruits of these plants.
Oilseeds: Seeds of many plants are used to extract oil. For example, Mustard oil is extracted from seeds of mustard plant. Similarly sunflower oil, coconut oil, groundnut oil, soyabean oil etc. are obtained from seeds of respective plants.

Food from animal source:
We get milk, eggs, meat, honey, fish etc. from animals.

Buffaloes and cow give milk.
Hen and duck give eggs. We get meat from goat, chicken, hen etc.
Eggs and meat are rich in protein. Fish is the major part of food for people living in the coastal regions.
Honey: Honeybee produces honey from nectar of flowers. It is rich in sugars, minerals and enzymes.

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