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What is global warming? Mention any four measures to control global warming.

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  • Global warming is the increase in the temperature of earth due to increase in the greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, CFCs etc which absorb some of the radiation from the sun that is supposed to be re-emitted back in the space. This increases the temperature of the earth surface.
  • There are many causes of increasing global warming major one is deforestation, others are such as an increase in the emission of gases from industries, vehicles, increasing population etc.

  1. Reforestation is the first step to be taken in the direction to decrease global warming. Increase in the number of trees will help to increase absorption of Carbon dioxide which will decrease the amount of gas in the atmosphere.
  2. a release of CFCs is also the main cause in increasing global warming. Therefore a decrease in the production of CFC will help as CFC has a major role in the destruction of the ozone layer. When Cl released from the CFC reaches the ozone layer the Cl ion reacts with the Oxygen of the ozone and release oxygen, one molecule of Cl will remain in the stratosphere and degrade the ozone layer for a long time before it degraded itself.
  3. Cutting down the use of fossil fuel and opting for the use of renewable energy resources such as hydropower, wind energy, etc
  4. Try to decrease the rate of human population growth as the resources present on earth are limited and consumers are increasing constantly which means the release of more greenhouse gas and an increase in global warming. Therefore the population increase should be controlled.

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