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What is quantization or quantum no.

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Quantum numbers describe values of conserved quantities in the dynamics of a quantum system. ... An important aspect ofquantum mechanics is the quantization of observable quantities, since quantum numbers are discrete sets of integers or half-integers, although they could approach infinity in some cases.
  1. each electron has four set of quantum number which describe the exact position of electron in electron cloud 1-principal quantum number which is designated by n. Where value of n is (1,2 ,n) it must be positive integer. It determine the energy of electron in particular shell. It measure distance of electron from nucleus of atom.
  • Azimuthal quantum number -it is designated by l. The value of l belong to (0,1,2, n-1).it determine the shape of orbital of subshell. All Subshell has different shape S subshell has spherical, p has dumble, d has double dumbled ,and f has complicated shape. It determine the orbital angular momentum of electron which is integral multiple of mvr =nh/2$ and quantised.
  • Magnetic quantum number -it determine the number of orbital and orientation of electron in particular subshell. It is designated by m. The value of m depend on azithumal quantum number. It can be zero, positive and negative integer. M=(-l, +1).
  • Spin quantum number -it denotes by ms it designat the direction of electron may have +1/2 or -1/2 .positive spin denote electron is in upward direction and negative spin denotes electron in downward direction. It doesn't depend on other quantum number.

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